2011-2012 SCHOOL YEAR
Dear Parent or Guardian:
This packet contains the following:
A. Athletic Code of Conduct
B. High School Award System information.
C. Student Informed Consent / Extracurricular Code form (to be signed).
D. Insurance Notification and Waiver Form (to be signed).
E. Parent Liability Release form and Informed Consent Form(to be signed).
F. Participation Agreement for Random Drug Testing Program
A. Insurance Requirements
1. All athletes, managers and cheerleaders, grades 9 through 12 must choose one of the options listed below in order to participate in Athletics at Garrett High School:
a. Have adequate insurance coverage through a private insurance carrier, or
b. Purchase a voluntary Student Accident Insurance Policy through Garrett High School, or
c. Sign an acknowledgement by the parent(s) or guardian(s) indicating waiver of insurance. By signing the waiver of insurance the parent(s) or guardian(s) understands that in the event their son(s) or daughter(s) are injured as a result of athletic competition or practice, or as a result of other school activities, any medical expenses associated with such injury will be the responsibility of the parents or guardians.
2. Voluntary Student Accident Insurance – This policy is a minimal insurance policy and is purchased on a completely voluntary basis. Payment for the Student Accident Insurance is handled independent of Garrett High School and all claims will occur directly with the carrier.
B. Parent Liability Release Forms
This form gives school personnel your permission to seek emergency medical
help for your son or daughter should the need arise. Every effort will be made to
contact the parents or guardians as soon as possible.
C. Informed Consent Forms /Liability and Release forms
A meeting will be held during each sport season to discuss the inherent danger of participation in sports. It is important for both parents and athletes to be aware of the risk of being injured and injuries may be severe. These injuries could include fractures, brain injuries, paralysis, or even death. Therefore, the informed consent form must be signed by the athlete and kept on file for proof of notification.
This form also verifies you have read, understand, and will abide by the Athletic Code Handbook.
D. Participation Agreement for Random Drug Testing Program
Any student wishing to participate in Extra-curricular activities or drive to school must sign this form.
Garrett High School Athletic Code of Conduct
Statement of Philosophy
Athletic Competition should be fun, embody high standards of sportsmanship, and develop good character and other important life skills. Essential elements of character building are intrinsic in the concept of sportsmanship and the Six Pillars of Character: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. The highest potential of sports is achieved by learning the T.E.A.M. approach (teach, enforce, advocate, and model) and committing to the ideal of pursuing victory with honor. Good-faith efforts to honor the words and spirit of the Garrett High School Athletic Code of Conduct will improve the quality of our programs and the well-being of all the students at GHS.
This code will deter students from making poor decisions while providing an opportunity for rehabilitation and fairly administered consequences if the student violates the code of conduct. ALL STUDENTS PARTICIPATING IN EXTRA-CURRICULAR ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES WILL BE GOVERNED BY THIS CODE.
Mandatory Meetings
Students wishing to participate in extra-curricular athletic activities must attend one mandatory meeting each year, in which this athletic code will be explained. Parents must accompany their child to this meeting. Parents and Student-Athletes must sign informed consent forms, insurance notification/waiver forms, release of liability and drug testing consent forms before participating in GHS Athletics.
I. Conditions to be considered as Proof/Evidence of a violation:
a. The student admits guilt of the violation.
b. The violation is witnessed by a Garrett-Keyser-Butler Schools employee or representative.
c. The violation is witnessed by any law enforcement agency or an arrest is made for the violation.
II. Student Code Violations
a. Transmission, use or possession of tobacco; Transmission, use or possession of alcohol; Transmission, use or possession of Drugs and/or drug paraphernalia, unless prescribed by a physician to correct an illness.
b. Theft
c. Misdemeanors may be considered a Code Violation and result in consequences up to and including immediate and permanent removal from participation. The Administration will determine the consequences in consultation with the Athletic Council
d. Felonies will be considered a serious Code Violation and could result in consequences up to and including immediate and permanent removal from participation. The Administration will determine the consequences in consultation with the Athletic Council.
III. Corrective Steps to be administered by the Administration
a. Any violation of the athletic code will result in the following:
Offense Consequences
First 25% Suspension
Second 50% Suspension
Third and Subsequent offenses 1 year Suspension
b. Counseling
It is strongly recommended that students violating athletic code section II.a (alcohol and drug code violations) seek counseling to learn to cope with peer pressure and deal with possible addictions. Any financial obligations associated with such counseling will be the responsibility of the student and/or parent-guardian. However, financial assistance may be available through the drug testing funds and organizations.
c. Violations not specifically covered in the Athletic Code
The Garrett High School Administration will determine consequences for possible code violations not specifically addressed in this code of conduct. Violations considered will be those actions which violate the high standards of moral and ethical behavior expected of GHS Athletes. Potential violations and consequences will be reviewed with the athletic council as outlined in SECTION IX , of this code.
d. Additional Clarification and Enforcement
If a student commits a violation of the Athletic Code while not participating in a sport, consequences will be assessed at the beginning of the next sport in which they choose to participate. In order for the suspension to be validated, the student must complete the sport season in good standing. If a student is suspended for a violation in season, the suspension will be calculated separately for each sport they are participating in.
e. Adding Sports to serve a Suspension
An Athlete will be permitted to serve his/her suspension in a sport they have not previously participated with the following requirements:
1. The student-athlete must complete the sport season in good standing.
2. The student-athlete must not become a disruption to the activities of the new team.
3. At any time the student-athlete may be removed from the team if , in the opinion of the head coach or athletic director, the student is not contributing to the team in a positive manner.
IV. Appeal Process
a. Step 1: A student-athlete and/or parent (guardian) has the right to appeal a suspension. The appeal process will take place with the principal residing. In this hearing, the student/parent will have the opportunity to present any compelling evidence on their behalf. The school’s position will be represented by the athletic director or his designee. The principal will notify the student/parent in writing within 48 hours of his findings.
b. Step 2: A student-athlete and/or parent (guardian) has the right to appeal the decision of the high school principal. If parents and student wish to appeal to step 2, they must notify the high school principal within 48 hours after they have received written notification of his findings. Step 2 of the appeal process will take place with an independent hearing officer presiding appointed by the Superintendent (not affiliated with the school) and will follow the same hearing format as outlined in step 1. Attending the appeal hearing will be the student, the family of the student, the athletic director, and/or the principal or his designee. Both parties may present any compelling evidence to reinforce their position on the suspension.
V. Random Drug Testing (RDT) Program – (The information below is a summary of the GKB Random Drug Testing Program. A detailed policy is available upon request)
a. Each student who elects to participate in extra-curricular activities, co-curricular activities, or obtain a driving permit to drive to or from school must sign and return a Student Random Drug Testing Participation Agreement. Parents must also sign this agreement. Once signed the agreement will remain valid until the start of the following school year and will allow for Random Drug Testing as often as weekly.
Any student who refuses to sign the agreement will not be allowed to participate in extra-curricular activities and will not be allowed to drive to and from school.
b. Type of Test – GKB has the right to use any test procedure that best balances the issues of cost-effectiveness, accuracy of results, and respect for the privacy of the student.
c. Size of Selection – Garrett High School will test between 5 and 10 students per week.
d. Testing Days – Testing will occur on different days throughout the week and may include weekends.
e. Random Selection – School officials will not have control over the numbers drawn for testing. The process will be completely random.
f. First Time Offenses –
1. 45 day Social & Extra-curricular Suspension – The student will be suspended from all social and extra-curricular activities, including co-curricular activities for 45 days. This includes not attending practices or rehearsals.
2. 45 day Parking Permit Suspension – If the student has a parking permit, the driving privileges will be suspended for the same 45 day period.
g. Alternative First Time Consequences – As an alternative to the above suspension, first time offenders only, may choose to participate in an approved Drug Education/Counseling Program. If the student accepts this program, the offense will be recorded in the discipline record, but the social, extra-curricular, and driving consequences will be reduced to 10 days and the student will be allowed to attend practices after 5 days. However, the suspension will include at least one event suspension.
h. Second Time Offense – Second time RDT program offenders will have a 90 day Social, Extra-curricular and Driving Suspension.
i. Third Time Offense – Third time RDT program offenders will receive a permanent suspension from all social, extra-curricular, and driving privileges.
All student-athletes are responsible for following IHSAA BY-LAWS. Failure to follow these rules will result in immediate student-athlete ineligibility, at the discretion of the Athletic Director and the IHSAA. IHSAA rules include but are not limited to the following:
a. Academic Eligibility – Students must pass and earn credit in at least 70% of the maximum number of full credited subjects that can be taken at GHS. At Garrett High School students must pass a minimum of 3 solid subjects in the Block schedule. Eligibility will be established in the previous 9 week grading period. (A student-athlete not meeting this requirement at midterm may be suspended for a time in order to bring his/her grades into IHSAA compliance.)
b. Enrollment – Each student-athlete must enroll in a minimum of 70% of the maximum number of full credit subjects that a student can take at GHS. At Garrett High School this is the equivalent of 3 classes in the block schedule.
c. Athletic Physicals – Between May 1 and student-athletes first practice in preparation for interschool athletic participation the student shall have a physical examination by, or shall provide certification from, a physician holding an unlimited license to practice medicine who shall clear the student-athlete for athletic participation using the current IHSAA Pre-Participation form, parents or guardians shall give written consent for participation, acknowledge risks and hold harmless the IHSAA and the school for liability.
d. Minimum Practices – Each student-athlete must participate in 10 days of practice prior to participation in an IHSAA contest. This requirement is reduced to 5 days if the athlete is transitioning immediately from one sport season to another.
e. Moratorium Week – Each school shall observe a moratorium week starting the Monday of the week which includes July 4th. During this seven day period, there shall be no contact between athletes and coaches, and no athletic activities, including conditioning, conducted.
f. Sunday Practices -- Teams shall not practice on Sundays for any reason. This includes team meetings or social events during the season. This does not include awards ceremonies or other events outside the Sport Season.
g. Other IHSAA Rules – The IHSAA has established rules dealing with a wide range of areas in regards to high school athletics. These include, but are not limited to: Summer Participation, Open Facility Programs, amateur status, transfers, foreign exchange students, and scheduling events. Violation of these By-laws, attempts to circumvent the IHSAA By-laws, or misleading the athletic department will result in progressive discipline up to and including removal from athletics at Garrett High School.
VII. National, State, and Local Organization Rules
a. The National Federation of High Schools (NFHS), IHSAA, ACAC, and various sport specific organizations, set rules which govern the student-athletes at GHS. – These rules include but are not limited to: Appearance guidelines, use of jewelry, sportsmanship, safety, and fairness. All athletes are expected to follow these guidelines. Athletes are expected to represent the school and community by being well-groomed, shirts tucked in, and properly attired for practices and contests. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in progressive discipline up to and including removal from athletic participation at GHS.
VIII. Additional Rules:
a. School Attendance
1. Morning Arrival -- Participants who are not in school by 9:30 a.m. shall not practice or participate in a contest, unless cleared by the Principal or his designee. An exception is made for Dr.’s appointments, funerals, and other family emergencies with appropriate documentation and approval of the Principal or his designee.
2. Leaving School – If a student-athlete leaves school early for illness, they are not allowed to participate in any athletic contests or practices that day or night.
3. Unexcused Absences – Unexcused absences will result in progressive discipline up to and including removal from a team.
b. Practice Attendance – Student-Athletes are expected to attend all practices with the following exceptions:
1. Cleared with the Head Coach prior to the absence
2. Absent from school and excused by the High School Office.
3. Tardiness – Tardiness is not acceptable and may result in extra work. Excessive tardiness will result in progressive discipline up to and including complete removal from a team.
c. Student Handbook Violations – Disregard or Repeated Violations of the Garrett High School Student Handbook will be considered violations of the Athletic Code and will result in progressive discipline up to and including complete removal from athletic participation.
d. Out of School Suspensions – Students who are issued out of school suspensions shall not attend practices or contests during the suspension. Repeated out-of-school suspensions will result in progressive discipline up to and including complete removal from athletic participation.
e. Bus Trips – Participants are expected to ride the team bus to and from contests. Exceptions:
1. Must be cleared through the Head Coach prior to the contest.
2. Must be cleared through the athletic office with a written/signed note from the parent or guardian, in advance of the contest.
3. In case of emergency.
Participants will be released only to their parent or guardian.
Failure to comply with this rule will result in progressive discipline up to and including removal from the team.
f. Dual Participation – Participation of student-athletes in two sports during the same season is strongly discouraged. However, a student-athlete may participate in Dual-Sports during the same season if he/she meets the following requirements:
1. Both Coaches involved must approve of the Dual Sport Participation.
2. A schedule must be developed prior to the beginning of the contest season that specifically identifies practice and contest attendance and resolves conflicts.
3. The Schedule must be approved by Both Coaches, Student-Athlete, and the Parent/Guardian.
4. The student-athlete must not quit one sport in favor of the other. If he/she quits one sport he/she must quit both sports.
5. If the student-athlete commits a code violation, the consequences will be served in both sports.
g. Equipment
1. Participants should take reasonable care of school owned equipment. Replacement of lost equipment or equipment damaged beyond normal wear and tear, as determined by the Head Coach and Athletic Director, will be the sole responsibility of the athlete and his/her parent/guardian.
2. Participant should not borrow equipment from others without permission.
3. School owned equipment is not to be worn outside practice or athletic contests unless approved by the Head Coach. Failure to abide by the above will result in extra work and continued violations will result in progressive discipline up to and including removal from the team.
h. Insubordination / Reasonable Requests – Participants are expected to comply with any reasonable request by a coach. Failure to do so will result in progressive discipline up to and including removal from the team.
i. Removal from a team – Should a coach believe it necessary to remove a participant from an athletic team, he or she should have a conference with the athletic director before such action is finalized.
j. Athletes quitting/ Removal from Team – Athletes quitting or being removed from a team before the official end of the season will not be able to start conditioning for another sport until he/she is released by the head coach or the season is complete.
IX. Athletic Council –
The Garrett High School Athletic Director will establish an Athletic Council as an advisory group to the Athletic Department. The council will consist of the Assistant Principal, Athletic Director, 2 coaches of female sports, 2 coaches of male sports, 2 faculty members, and 1 community member. Each member will serve a minimum two year term and will be appointed by the Principal. The duties of the Athletic Council will include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Bi-Annual review of the Athletic Code – The council will review the Athletic Code and recommend possible changes and modifications to the Athletic Director, Principal, and the GKB School Board.
b. Lettering Policy – Approve changes to the lettering policy and awards systems for individual sports.
c. Consult on Code Violations – The Athletic Council will act as a consultant in regards to Code violations not specifically addressed in the Athletic Code or that are unique. It is understood that the final determination of interpreting code violations is the responsibility of the Garrett High School Administration.
X. Groups which are to be governed by the Athletic Code include:
a. High School Athletes (male and female)
b. High School Cheerleaders (male and female)
c. High School Managers (male and female)
XI. Athletic Awards System
a. Major Letter Awards – All recipients of a major letter award must complete the sport in good standing and meet the criteria for each individual sport listed in section XII with the exceptions listed below.
b. Minor Certificate Awards – An athlete will receive a minor certificate award if he/she does not meet the requirements for a major letter award and has completed the season in good standing.
c. Awards recommendations – All major and minor awards must be recommended by the head coach and approved by the athletic director.
d. Certificates -- Awards will be given to those students who meet the standards set forth for each individual sport and are recommended by the head coach, athletic director, and principal. Certificates shall be presented to each major and minor letter winner. Major certificates will be framed. Minor and freshman certificates will not be framed. The certificates will be presented at the athletic awards program held at the end of each sport season.
e. Sport Emblems -- An embroidered emblem, depicting the sport lettered in, shall be awarded to a student-athlete when receiving his/her first major letter in the particular sport.
f. Chevrons - A chevron shall be awarded a student for each and every varsity letter earned.
g. Captain Stars - A captain’s star shall be awarded to an appointed or elected team captain(s). (Maximum of three per sport or 10% of varsity participants, whichever is greater). Recipients must be recommended by the head coach.
h. Letter jackets -- Letter jackets may be purchased by a student-athlete after he/she earns their first major letter. Letter jackets may be purchased through the Athletic Department or through a source approved by the Athletic Department. The Athletic Department shall furnish the letter and it will be sewn on the jacket at the time of purchase. This letter will be a block “G” for both boys’ and girls’ jackets. Athletic Jackets for both boys and girls will be the same.
i. Honor Ring – A student will be awarded an honor ring if he/she has earned a minimum of 10 major letters during his/her career at GHS. The award will be presented at the Senior Awards night.
j. Awards Programs -- Letters, Sports emblems, chevrons, and certificates will be presented to the athletes by their respective coaches at their athletic awards night held at the end of the sport season. Athletes who do not attend the awards program and have not been excused by the head coach shall forfeit their awards.
k. Senior Multi-year award – This award is presented to any senior athlete or manager who has lettered in a sport for three or four consecutive years. Three year recipients will receive a silver plaque and four year recipients will receive a gold plaque. These awards will be presented at the Senior Awards Night.
l. Individual Accomplishment Awards – These awards are presented to winners of sectional, those who qualify for regional, semi-state and state tournaments in individual sports. Recipients of this award will receive a chenille patch for his/her letter jacket. Only one patch will be awarded per sport season and will be awarded for the highest level of accomplishment.
m. Additional Awards – The Athletic Department will present individual All-Conference honors as supplied by the ACAC conference. In addition, those who receive first team honors will receive a patch for his/her jacket. Only one patch will be awarded per sport season. Student-athletes earning other individual or team awards (all-area, second team all-conference, tournament championships, or team non-conference tournament championships) may order chenille patches at a minimal fee from the athletic department. These patches will be ordered three times a year (at the conclusion of each athletic season).
n. Carson Culler Award – This award is to be determined by the head coaches at the end of each school year to recognize one male and one female athlete. Coaches will vote on the award. All recipients should meet the following criteria:
1. Contribute in a positive manner to athletics at GHS
2. Participate in interscholastic contests at the varsity or reserve level as a senior.
3. Display a positive attitude toward the sport, coaches, opponents, officials, and teammates.
o. Senior Athletes – At the discretion of the head coach, any senior who has contributed to the program, participated a minimum of three years, and completed the season in good standing, may receive a major letter award.
p. Injured Athlete – An athlete who is injured in practice, a game, or under other circumstances and, in the judgment of the head coach and athletic director, would have qualified for a major or minor award if he/she had not been injured, may be awarded a major or minor award.
q. Discretion of the Coach – If the head coach feels an athlete has made a significant contribution to the VARSITY team, he/she may receive a major letter award with approval of the high school administration.
XII. Major Award Lettering Criteria
a. Softball & Baseball – A participant must participate in 40% of regularly scheduled games.
b. Boys/Girls Basketball – A player must compete in twenty (20) quarters of varsity competition.
c. Boys/Girls Cross Country – A participant must earn seven (7) letter points. A runner earns one letter point for each of the top five (5) runners he/she defeats from the opposing team.
d. Football – A participant must compete in 16 quarters of varsity competition.
e. Golf – A participant must compete in a majority of the varsity golf matches as a VARSITY player.
f. Boys/Girls Track – Participants must average at least one (1) point at the varsity level for each dual, double dual or triangular meet. (No points are awarded for participation at the reserve level)
1. Standards for setting track records – to establish a new record in track at Garrett High School the event must be timed or measured and recorded in the official meet scoring.
g. Volleyball – A participant must play in 40% of the varsity matches during the season and must participate in at least one (1) sectional game.
h. Wrestling – A participant must compete in 40% of the scheduled dual meets and score enough team points to average one (1) point in every dual meet.
i. Boys/Girls Soccer – A participant must participate in 40% of the scheduled varsity halves.
j. Cheerleading – Completion of the year as varsity Cheerleader.
k. Managers –
1. Major Award – A manager must attend all practices and contests for that particular sport and must be recommended by the head coach. (Statisticians and Book Keepers are not eligible for Major Awards unless they meet the criteria above.)
2. Minor Award – A manager, statistician, or Book Keeper that does not meet the criteria listed above may earn a minor certificate with a recommendation of the head coach.
3. Numerals – managers, statisticians, or Book Keepers, at the freshman level may earn their numerals by recommendation of the head coach.
XIII. Sportsmanship
The following rules are to be followed by ALL PLAYERS, MANAGERS, COACHES, and PARENTS. (Reminders of these rules will be placed in all athletic programs and prominently displayed at all athletic venues.):
a. Remember, this is a school athletic event and mistakes will be made. Do not criticize athletes. Encourage them.
b. Always respect opposing players, coaches, and spectators. Never cheer if one of them is injured.
c. Respect Game officials. Understand they are people, like you, who are doing their best to support our youth.
d. Never use inappropriate language.
e. Encourage those fans around you to model appropriate behavior.
f. Remember, a ticket to a school athletic event is not a license to verbally assault anyone, including officials, coaches, and players from either team.
Players, Managers, Coaches, and Parents -- Violation of these rules or inappropriate behavior at school athletic events could result in removal from a single or multiple events and it could result in permanent removal from attending school functions.
I, ____________________________, student, grade _____at Garrett High School, have read the Garrett High School Extracurricular/Athletic Code Handbook and agree to abide by the rules and regulations stated therein.
1. I accept my responsibility as a role model for others. I understand that representing my school and my community is a privilege, not to be taken lightly.
2. I will treat opponents the way that I would want to be treated–with respect.
3. I will refrain from taunting, trash talking or making any kind of derogatory remarks to my opponent.
4. I will respect the integrity and judgment of the game officials even though I may disagree with them.
5. I will never use inappropriate language.
6. I will strive to model the six pillars of character: Caring, Citizenship, Fairness, Respect, Responsibility, and Trustworthiness.
____________________________________ __________________________
Student Signature Date
I do hereby acknowledge that I have been informed by Garrett High School of the inherent danger involved with participation in any sport. I realize that there is a risk of being injured that is inherent in all sports. I realize that the risk of injury may be severe, including the risk of fractures, brain injuries, paralysis or even death.
____________________________________ __________________________
Student Signature Date
As a parent/guardian of _______________________________ _______________________________
Student Name / grade Student Name / grade
_______________________________ _______________________________
Student Name / grade Student Name / grade
I understand the important role that extracurricular activities can play in the development of a young person’s character. I also understand that the highest potential of extracurricular activities is achieved when everyone, including parents, works together for success. I pledge my positive support to my child, the children of Garrett High School, and our extracurricular program by modeling respect for all participants, coaches, and officials at all practices, games and contests and will actively encourage others around me to do the same. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE GARRETT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC CODE.
1. I will not criticize athletes or coaches. I will support and encourage them.
2. I will respect opposing coaches, players and all spectators. I will refrain from making negative comments.
3. I will respect game officials and will never approach an official before, during, or after a game to discuss or challenge his/her game management or calls made during the contest. I understand that they are people like me who are doing their best to support our students.
4. I will never use inappropriate language.
5. I will encourage those fans around me to model appropriate behavior.
6. I will strive to model the six pillars of character: Caring, Citizenship, Fairness, Respect, Responsibility, and Trustworthiness.
_________________________________ __________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature Date
We give the coaches and school officials at Garrett High School permission to seek emergency medical care for, THE STUDENTS LISTED ABOVE, while he/she is participating in extracurricular contests or practices for Garrett High School.
_________________________________ __________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature Date
I do hereby acknowledge that I have been informed by Garrett High School of the inherent danger involved with participation in any sport. I realize that there is a risk of being injured that is inherent in all sports. I realize that the risk of injury may be severe, including the risk of fractures, brain injuries, paralysis or even death.
_________________________________ __________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature Date
The undersigned, being the parents or guardians of a student(s) engaged in athletic competition sanctioned by Garrett-Keyser-Butler Schools, hereby acknowledges awareness that the school offers a student accident insurance policy to assist with medical expenses incurred as a result of injuries occurring during school activities. Student accident insurance is offered on a voluntary basis to all student-athletes and purchase of this insurance, coverage of another adequate insurance policy, or a signed waiver by the parent or guardian indicating refusal of the student accident insurance, is required for any student who participates in athletics at Garrett Schools.
The Following students _________________________________________
Student Name / grade
Student Name / grade
Student Name / grade
Student Name / grade
(check the appropriate lines)
_____ has/ or will purchased the voluntary student accident insurance
offered by Garrett Schools before practices begin, or
_____ has adequate family insurance coverage and/or
_____ waives the insurance offered by Garrett Schools.
Parents and/or Guardians understand that in the event their student-athlete is injured as a result of athletic competition or practice, or as a result of other school activities, any medical expenses associated with such injury are the exclusive responsibility of the parents/guardians, their insurance carrier, or the assistance of the student accident insurance offered by Garrett Schools.
___________________________________________ __________________
Parent/Guardian Date
Participation Agreement
Student Random Drug-Testing Program
GKB Schools
This form must be signed by both the student and parent/guardian and returned to the school prior to participating in any extra-curricular or co-curricular activity or being issued a GHS parking permit.
Participant Name__________________________________________________________
School: (Circle One) High School Middle School
Current Grade: (Circle One) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
I the undersigned participant choose to participate in the following activities:
(Check those that apply)
_____ Extracurricular Activities (athletics, clubs, etc.)
_____ Co-Curricular Activities (band, show choir, journalism, etc.)
_____ Driving Permit
_____ Voluntary Participant
n I consent to take a drug and alcohol screening tests in accordance with GKB policies and procedures. I consent to provide a urine specimen and to have a drug testing laboratory designated by GKB schools perform a substance abuse analysis on the specimen.
n I consent to the release of the results of the analysis by the drug testing laboratory to the authorized district personnel.
n I understand that my failure to consent to drug and alcohol screening tests will cause me to be ineligible to participate in the activities and programs listed above.
n I understand the results of such tests will be considered toward determining my continued eligibility for participation in activities and programs listed above.
n I understand that positive results will be communicated to administrators, coaches, directors, sponsors, or leaders of the activities and programs listed above.
n I understand that a copy of all results will be communicated to the student and parents.
n I understand that this participation agreement will remain in effect for one calendar year.
Signature of
Student Participant __________________________________________________ Date _______________
Signature of
Parent / Guardian ____________________________________________________ Date _______________