The purpose of this site is to promote Athletics at Garrett High School, share important information with athletes, parents, alumni, and community members. Inappropriate comments, photos, or other media, posted about players, coaches, faculty, and the high school administration of Garrett-Keyser-Butler Schools or it's opponents is STRICTLY PROHIBITED!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Coaches, Athletes, PARENTS Deserve a Break Today!

Those of you who are old enough can remember the old McDonalds commercials. "You deserve a Break today, So get up and get away to McDonalds, McDonalds, MCDONALDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Complete with dancing McDonald workers and Dancing Customers. I just felt like I had to have a BigMac! Even now that sounds like a great evening snack!

Just like the commercial our Coaches, Athletes, and certainly the PARENTS! need to get away/ Ever since the IHSAA has opened up the summers for Open Gyms, Weights, Summer Leagues, Camps, Clinics and all sorts of other Athletic events; Parents, Athletes, Coaches and YES even Athletic Directors have found it tough to GET AWAY! But Help is on the way. The IHSAA in their infinite wisdom has granted a break. This Break is called Moratorium Week. Every year, sometime around the July 4th Holiday, the IHSAA states:

"Each member school shall observe a moratorium week which includes July 4th, either IHSAA Week 52 or Week 1. During this seven day period there shall be no contact between athletes and coaches, and no athletic activities including conditioning, conducted"

AMEN!!!!!!!!!! The intent of this rule is to give everyone a BIG, WELL DESERVED REST! whether we like it or not. This year the moratorium week begins on Monday, June 28th and ends Sunday, July 4th. Go on vacation, let your kids be kids, let them play video games, look at MR. RHOADES's Blog. Anything and everything except Athletics. The best thing you can do is to take this time and spend it with your family and your friends.

Coaches, Get out of here! Go do something you want to do, relax, get bored. Spend time with your husband, wife, or significant other!

I appreciate all of you and look forward to a GREAT YEAR ahead. However, I can't wait for my Motorcycle Trip to Glacier National Park and Canada! Please don't take it personal, I won't be thinking about any of you. I will be completely focused on enjoying time with my wife and my God!


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