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Friday, May 27, 2011


What a great night in GHS sports!

First the Girls Softball team soundly defeated Fremont in 5 innings by a score of 11-0. The team was very  well prepared and focused during the whole night. Tomorrow they will face a very tough and hard hitting Prairie Heights softball team in the championship game of the sectional. The game begins at 11am.

Second Todd Frickey made GHS Track History by becoming the first Railroader to win a 100m regional championship. The Fort Wayne Track Regional is one of the toughest in the state. Todd had a great trial and was seeded 2nd in the Finals. BUT, he was not to be defeated. Todd won the Regional by setting a new school record time of 10.8 seconds. This was on a FAT timing system and that time is FAST!  Todd will run at State next Friday Night. I can't say enough about what Coach Clifford has done to prepare his team for competition. All the regional qualifiers had great times tonight! In his first year coaching he has a conference championship and a State Qualifier! Great Job Jake and Todd!

Third, The Railroader baseball team won the first round of sectionals tonight by defeating Prairie Heights in a close game 2-1. The last inning was full of excitement. In the top of the 7th, Prairie Heights had runners on and a deep ball hit to the outfield and Andrew Johnson gunned down the Heights runner at home. It literally saved the game. Then the Panthers let GHS load the bases with one out. Andrew popped up on a foul ball.  Then Brett Schendel got his by a pitch to walk in the winning run. Great Game Coach Mireles and the Railroader Baseball team.  The team will play tomorrow at 1230pm vs. Central Noble.  The Churubusco Eagles and the Eastside Blazers will play in game #1 of the day tomorrow.

Congrats to all the railroaders for a great spring season!

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