The purpose of this site is to promote Athletics at Garrett High School, share important information with athletes, parents, alumni, and community members. Inappropriate comments, photos, or other media, posted about players, coaches, faculty, and the high school administration of Garrett-Keyser-Butler Schools or it's opponents is STRICTLY PROHIBITED!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Thanks Seniors!

Dear Seniors,

Wow! Another year in education, another great group of seniors, another set of goodbyes! I personally want to thank each senior athlete and each senior athlete parent for all the time and energy you put in to GHS Athletics. You all can be proud of the high school athletic career you have completed. By looking at each of you I can tell we reached our goal.

The goal of our athletic department is to better prepare you for life on your own.  We want you to learn from your successes and failures. We have seen you win graciously and lose with equal class. I can tell you  that as freshman we never thought you would accomplish all that you have. But, here we are 4 years later and we are so proud of your accomplishments.

We started out to teach you character and how to do things the right way. Not to win at all costs, but prepare to win in every way possible. We wanted to push you beyond where you thought you could go. Most of you went way beyond where we pushed you.

Thank You for everything. You are welcome to come and visit us all the time. You are invited to come and share your successes and failures. If there is anything you ever need, you know where to find us. Even though your High School Athletic career is over, you will always be a member of this department. We will write your recommendations, cheer your future acomplishments, share in the growth of your own family, and provide a shoulder when your losses get you down. We love you and will miss you!


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