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Monday, February 27, 2012

IHSAA Student-Athlete Tip of the Week (2-27-12)

IHSAA Student-Athlete Tip of the Week (2-27-12)
"Providing education-based athletics in Indiana."

Almost all high schools today have codes of conduct that student-athletes must follow in order to be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities, including sports.

Therefore, you already know what you can and cannot do and how you will be punished if you decide not to follow those rules.  In other words, the school spells out right from wrong.

Following rules, then, should not be an issue.  You start the process of rule following early in life, and to be honest, rule following never goes away.  If you look for shortcuts or knowingly do something wrong, be prepared to pay the consequences.

For more on the student-athlete go to www.ihsaa.org
Content property of Billy Shepherd Sports Inc. 

"Providing education-based athletics in Indiana."

Almost all high schools today have codes of conduct that student-athletes must follow in order to be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities, including sports.

Therefore, you already know what you can and cannot do and how you will be punished if you decide not to follow those rules.  In other words, the school spells out right from wrong.

Following rules, then, should not be an issue.  You start the process of rule following early in life, and to be honest, rule following never goes away.  If you look for shortcuts or knowingly do something wrong, be prepared to pay the consequences.

For more on the student-athlete go to www.ihsaa.org
Content property of Billy Shepherd Sports Inc. 

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