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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spirng is Here and Softball is underway!

I still don't have the stats but we had a pretty exciting game at Denny Feagler field tonight when the Lady Railroaders lost to the East Noble Softball team. The final score was 7-3, but it was a good game.

The Lady Railroaders took and early 2-0 lead about midway through the game. (I think it was the 3rd Inning). We had plenty of base runners before that inning, but just couldn't score. Fortunately, neither could East Noble. We held the lead 2-1 until the top of the 6th inning. East Noble tied the game and we couldn't do anything in the bottom of the 6th. All the action took place in the top of the 7th inning. East Noble went ahead 3-2. On that play Railroader Catcher Anessa Smith tagged the East Noble runner out, but lost the ball and sustained an injury. Coach Bishop had to shuffle the lineup to accommodate for the loss of Smith. With bases loaded, he pulled one outfielder in and left 2 outfielders. It was a risk, but Coach wanted to get out of the inning giving up only one run. The risk didn't work out for the Lady Railroaders. The next batter drove the ball over our outfielders head and they went ahead 6-2. The Lady Knights added an insurance run to end the top of the 7th 7-2.

The Lady Railroaders battled to load the bases and scored a run to make it 7-3. We just couldn't convert anymore runners and that was the final score.

Brit-Marie Yarian pitched a good game and the loss will go on her record However, she did a great job as a freshman starting in her first Varsity Contest. She just needed a little help to get out of the 7th and it didn't happen.

The Lady Railroaders will play again tomorrow at home vs. Angola. The start time is 5pm. Also, the Boys Bseball team will open the 2012 season with a game vs. Concordia. That game will also begin at 5pm

Good Luck Railroaders!

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