The purpose of this site is to promote Athletics at Garrett High School, share important information with athletes, parents, alumni, and community members. Inappropriate comments, photos, or other media, posted about players, coaches, faculty, and the high school administration of Garrett-Keyser-Butler Schools or it's opponents is STRICTLY PROHIBITED!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Winter + Fall = CRAZY!!!!!!!!

On the calendar it is still FALL..................... Unless you are talking about the Athletic Calendar. The Fall season isn't over yet. The Football team is competing (and we are readying the football field for another game), but the Winter Sports Teams have started practices. Monday marked the official beginning of the Winter Sports Season in Indiana. On Monday the Girls Basketball teams across the state started practices. Next Monday is the official beginning of the Wrestling Season and the week after that is the beginning of the Boys Basketball season.

The transition to winter sports, for me, begins about the first part of October. So, it's a little crazy trying to wind-down one season while another is gearing-up.  I just wanted to mention a couple of things:

The Sectional Semi-Final Football game between Garrett and Whitko will be played here in Garrett at Memorial Field this Friday Night. The game will start at 7:30pm. YOU CAN NOT USE YOUR BIG TRAIN TICKET to get into this game. EVERYONE MUST PURCHASE A TICKET AT THE GATE. The cost is $6. There are NO PRESALE tickets.

WE HAVE LETTER JACKETS. The High School Athletic Office has letter jackets for sale for a REALLY good price. Last year we bought-out our supplier and can offer letter jackets to you for a great low price. So if you have a NEW LETTER WINNER, contact the high school athletic office to see if we have your size.

Fall teams will schedule their own awards programs and letters, chevrons, captain stars, and numerals will be given out at those awards nights. Contact your coach if you are unsure about the date and time. Also, contact your coach if you have questions about the awards.

We will have winter schedules printed in a couple of weeks. We are still working with our opponents to verify times and games, especially for lower levels (freshman/jv) Once we are convinced we can print an accurate schedule calendar, we will make it available in the offices. BUT, if you want to look ahead at the schedule, you can do so by going to highschoolsports.net . You can look for Garrett Schools and the entire winter season sports schedule will be available. When we enter the practice schedules and transportation times, you will also have that information.

The National Weather Service is talking about a Winter similar to last year. SO, that will mean cancellations. The Athletic Department will post Game cancellations and postponements via this Blog, Highschoolsports.net, and local media. Practice cancellations will be done via the Coaches by phone or text. The safety of our students is the main priority. IF, IN YOUR OPINION,  YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER CAN NOT ARRIVE TO A GAME OR PRACTICE SAFELY, DON"T LET THEM TRY! Their will be absolutely NO consequences. Please do your best to notify the coach so they will know NOT to expect them. A decision about wether to cancel games or practices will be made keeping in mind the safety of the students. As a rule of thumb, If school is cancelled, we will cancel practices. If in the view of the administration, road conditions will improve enough to allow practices, we may still allow teams to practice. A good example of this is Fog Delays. If the Fog would lift, we would allow practices. If road conditions worsen or remain hazardous we will cancel all activities. We will always err on the side of caution.

Well, that's enough information for one post. I am sure we will share more information as the winter sports seasons get into full swing! Good Luck Railroader Football team, defeat the Wildcats!

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